Some people may be in a state of dilemma as to which device
to install in their homes- paddle fans
or air conditioner! While both have their own share of pros and cons, there are
various factors which you need to ponder over individually to assess your
private need. Fans are traditional and have been there for our help for several
decades. ACs are their more modern and sophisticated cousins and have certainly
been the byproducts of technological revolution.
When you install an AC, you get to control the temperature
of the room. Therefore, if you wish to stay in an environment where in the air
around you gets nippy, then an AC can do the job perfectly for you. On the
other hand, a fan does not bring down the room temperature but keeps you
comfortable by circulating the air. One of the major differences between the
two is that the former has its limitations, while the latter is not barred by
such limitations. For instance, an AC will be efficient only in an enclosed
surrounding. Therefore, you will be required to shut the windows and doors for
the machine to be effective! This also implies that you will have to shun the
sunlight, unless you have glass-stained transparent windows. Therefore, they
are preferred if you wish to relax and repose inside your bedroom with all the
outlets closed.
Paddle fans are
not encumbered by such hindrances. You do not need to shut any window or door.
Thus, they are more practical for the 24-hour purpose. Yes, you can install an
air conditioning system, since it will provide you extra comfort when you wish
to sleep in a cool atmosphere. But it would be naïve to forget to install fans.
These days, fans of different kinds are being sold by top brands like Fanimation and Modern Fan Company. Their collections are stupendously good and
also help you improvise on the décor.
To the credit of AC, one can point out that it has that luxurious
look. A home that does not boast of an air conditioner does not enjoy the
respect from elite societies. But then, the 21st century fans are
really coming up with tantalizing surprises. You would be surprised at the rich
designs which are being infused into today’s paddle fans.
its rich feel, an AC comes at a heavy price. It will raise your bills to
astronomic heights. And in case you do not have a fan in your home and are
running the HVAC round the clock, then you should be ready to face a huge power
bill which will surely bring out that elusive sweat in your brow. Fans, on the
other hand, are economic since they do not consume much power. Besides, the
latest models from Fanimation and Modern Fan company are energy-efficient
as well. They will help you save a lot of money over the years. And one should
also state that it is easy to maintain a fan than to maintain an AC.
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